
When you make a purchase on MubarakDeals.com, you’re agreeing to our terms and conditions, forming a legally binding contract with the seller. You can choose between Payment on Billing or Payment on Delivery to pay the Transaction Price through your Issuing Bank (except for cash payments). The Company acts as a facilitator for the collection and remittance of the Transaction Price, without offering interest or benefits to the Buyer.

You may agree with the seller on the commercial terms of the Transaction, including Dispatch and Delivery time, through electronic communication on our Website. Any variation in terms must comply with our User Agreement and policies.

Payment Method:

You shall pay the Transaction Price using Payment on Billing or Payment on Delivery for transactions on our Website. Upon Payment Confirmation, you’ll be notified by the Website.


Buyers must make a payment of the Transaction Price through Payment on Billing or Payment on Delivery as described in the listing.

Contacting Users:

Communication between Users should remain within the Website. However, you’re welcome to provide feedback and reviews for sellers through our feedback facilities.

Contact Information:

Keep your contact details updated on MubarakDeals.com. Failure to do so may result in delays or non-delivery of goods, and negative feedback may be modified or deleted.


Share your feedback and reviews about the Website or your experience at care@mubarkdeals.com. Avoid including hearsay information or maligning any User, brand, or product.

Limit on volume of Transactions:

The Company reserves the right to limit transaction amounts and volumes for security reasons.

Verification of payment:

Payments may be flagged for additional checks and verification. The Company may contact the buyer for additional information. Payment Confirmation will be communicated to the buyer and seller accordingly.


You’re entitled to claim a refund of the Transaction Price within [7] working days if Delivery doesn’t meet the agreed-upon terms. Refunds will be made as per the terms and conditions.

Arrangement with the Issuing Bank:

All online bank transfers are processed through the respective Issuing Bank’s gateway. Users must comply with the terms and conditions agreed to with their Issuing Bank.

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